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CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains die newest developments in diet the pellets - as well as bad food, die for you good to be can. Play video
New York (AP) — the race for one magic Kw_weightverlust pill heats above 2008, if several major die pharmaceutical companies are expected to release key clinical sample data concerning the drugs die seems, to produce more market now weight loss than everything on Die diet industry is diet a billion dollar enterprises, with companies such as WeightWatchers, Nutrisystem and Medifast, die away from the year by marketing and from the changes of behavior at the consumers steps, die of conclusion weight it top dissolution of the new yearly formed. But die search does not have for a long-term Kw_weightverlust solution in form of a pill reduction, die of the release of the increasing epidemic disease obesity that is nation capable. In the United States, in Europe and in Japan, market for die Kw_weightverlust drugs, die over $600 million 2005 are expected to be added, and, in order to vary up to approximately $2 billion 2010 global, pay the Kw_according to a new report medicament industry market information supplier Espicom Healthcare intelligence Clearly by people more whatever it taking lose weight without to to the restrictive diets and that exercise, and die company, die that to form to be able, happen could in billions get. “doctors and patients tell us the safe, Kw_doublestelle is there weight loss,” said Daniel M. Bradbury, president and chief main leaders of San Diego created Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. (AMLN) to make available can into medicine enormous interest, which exercises heavily drugs for obesity. Approximately half of A dozen drugs are at present available by regulation for weight loss and obesity and including Roche laboratory Inc.. Xenical and Meridia of the Abbott laboratory (ABBOTT, fortune 500). But weight loss with drugs is rarely more than 10 current percent - and these products preserve cause side effects, British, which drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) had something success in 2007 with its Kw_over dkostenzaehler Kw_weightverlust drug Alli, die like Xenical a part taken fat eliminated, before them can be stored in body. Glaxo of reported trimester sales of its Kw_over dkostenzaehler drugs grew 24 percent up to $827,5 million, loaded in part by die product introduction of Alli to US. But competition rising, if least 30 with die companies market aim now, particularly with combinations of the drugs at present for sale. Pfizer Inc. (PFE, fortune 500) and Bristol Squibb teamed recently to develop DGAT-1 to the obstacles or to the means, the die DGAT enzyme aim, which is critical for the creation of the triglycerides and the fat file. Other one, die for a piece obesity drug market include Orexigen Therapeutics Inc., Novo Nordisk A/S, Merck and CO vying is. (MRK, fortune 500), arena Pharmaceuticals Inc., Vivus Inc. and Athersys Inc.. scoop hopes Drugmakers ‘
“entirely which we’re beginning is the see use combination of the products to, is unparalleled die the levels of effectiveness of something operations approach could and that,” said Lazard Capital market analyst Matthew Osborne in an interview. “if the you’re, which sees more greater than 15 to 20 percent weight loss, which is an important use more over die existing category of the drugs, die show around 5 percent weight loss and short lived results.” San Diego created arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. product obesity, Lorcaserin, already into the late stage attempts. In March company report to critical security results expects Die drug, die security expenditures up to now showed, is not more under, that intensive investigation by analyst, die is been, over its marketing evolvedness concerned, since Lorcaserin is said to work similarly the Fenn Phen adjusted too now, which caused heart problems. Meanwhile Amylin saw success with its diabetes drug Byetta, after patients requested over weight loss like a welcomed lateral effect reported and doctors to prescribe it off label to overweight patients. Amylin now exercises another diabetes drug, Symlin (pramlintide), for obesity, in combination with other hormones and already existing obesity drugs. Kw_company expects to accomplish a midstage study of pramlintide plus leptin in 2008..
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