EL SEGUNDO, Calif., January. 09, 2008 /PRNewswire FirstCall over COMTEX/ — DaVita Inc., (NYSE: DVA) a prominent servicer of the dialysis services for the those, which with chronic kidney disturbance and end stage Nierendisease are determined, discharged DaVita Diet Helper(TM) to form kidney-friendly meals simply to plan, prepare and track. This Allzweckmeal planning on-LINE-KW_TOOL helps dialysis patient, their caregivers and renal dietitians and physicians plans the correct nutrition, on 24 the singular kidney diet regulations be based. Kw_tool supplies also in good taste, simply — prepare to the prescriptions, complete weekly meal plans, to be on-line-grocer’s shop-listed and nutrition pursuer, die with the doctors and Diaetetikern be printed and to be divided be able, management of renal diet more effectively to form and nourishing inlet and quality of the patients of Obacht to improve. (trade marks: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20020729/DAVITALOGO)”das main a goal of the DaVita Diet aid is patients to help of remaining healthy as proven by its results of laboratory, liquid balance and good nourishing inlet,” said Sara Colman RD, CDE, DaVita(R) Nutrition project specialist. “DaVita Diet aids is simple way, so that patients know, which they box and eat cannot and in which parts to hold to its protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and liquids in the examination. Sticking to each possible diet is a challenge, but with DaVita Diet aid is many more easier it, thus our dialysis patients remain on track.” integral part the treatment for handling chronic kidney disease and guaranteeing of the entire are Diet health and the quality of life of the patients. Because die kidneys a longer filter do not preserve and waste products and eliminate surplus liquid, kidney becomes diets on maintaining the sufficient nutrition and holding the minerals and the electrolytes in balance arranged renal dietitians work closely with individual patients to create manufactured die diet plans particularly on, die on kind of treatment, disease stage and referred conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes was based. Kw_renal diet accustom die traditional faith can be difficult over healthy diet for patients. Instead of, concentrating on fat and calorie inlet, kidney patients must concentrate potassium and sodium inlet, when receiving sufficient calories and protein, on phosphorus -, as well as limiting the entire liquid inlet. Patients find simple tool and helpful. A patient and a user tool, Bobbi, noted on the DaVita web site, die, “I on dialysis for four years were, and food is always an expenditure been This system new life in me breathed! Die prescriptions are not marvelous only, but there is such a multiplicity! This it forms simply to remain on a goal!” DaVita Diet aids in the partnership with eDiets was developed and more than one year took, around to accomplish eDiets supplied die customer-bound nutrition analysis and spurhaltung of tools. DaVita Diaetetiker helped eDiets Diaetetiker create the appropriate meal Kw_planning for die 24 singular renal diet regulations regarding unterscheidene quantities phosphorus, potassium and sodium, die in diets the dialysis patients were permitted. DaVita recommends that all possible patients, die are interested to the Kw_using this tool, with their healthcare crew in an advisory manner should, before she diet it changing. DaVita Diet aids can at more http://www.davita.com/diethelper on-line be achieved. In addition to the DaVita aid Diet, regales DaVita.com a durable prescription section with more than 450 current elections, die it more easier for patients too enjoy a multiplicity of the tasteful food elections forms. Prescriptions can be found to http://www.davita.com/recipes. DaVita is a registered registered trade mark of DaVita Inc.. all more other registered registered trade marks is property their respective owners. Over DaVita Inc. DaVita Inc., a FORTUNE 500(R), which, is company is, prominent servicer of the dialysis services into United die States and provides dialysis services for patients with chronic kidney loss and end stage Nierendisease. DaVita handhas more over 1,300 patient service and acute units more over 700 in the hospitals, die in 43 states is convenient and in the district of Colombia and serves more than 103,000 patients. For more information please visit http://www.davita.com. Over eDiets.com eDiets.com, Inc. is a Prime Minister on-LINE-KW_DIET, a suitability and healthy living a place of destination, which offer professional advice, information, products and services that those, that to improve it health and longevity seeks Since 1997 more than 2 million consumer, die weight loss to be interested on and disease management world-wide have become eDiets.com members. In addition to more than 20 nutrition and suitability programs, to eDiets.com the Mitgliedsgain entrance to the equal support and advice of a net health of the experts personifizierten eDiets.com provide crucial comfort with DeliciouslyYours, taxable 2007’s “# 1 meal delivery service” by Epicurious.com. Working with label name companies in the food, pharmaceutical, in insurance, in nutrition and in the suitability, offers eDiets.com also customer-bound net-created programs to business. Based 1996 and in Fort Lauderdale head office had, let flat steel bar, eDiets.com web site http://www.eDiets.com, on http://www.deliciouslyyours.com, on http://www.eFitness.com and http://www.edietscorporateservices.com run on on. To more information, please call (954) 360-9022 or http://www.eDiets.com SOURCE DaVita Inc. visit http://www.davita.com copyright  © photo receptor 2008 Newswire. All rights reserve
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