January. 07, 2008 (Hugin over COMTEX) — SOLIHULL, England, January. 7, 2008 (PRIMe newsWIRE) — Reliv international, Inc., a creator of the own nourishing additions, pushed its Slimplicity(r) weight management system at the conference national companys in today Solihull out. The Slimplicity system, which is used successfully through thousands people in, United States, offers a simple, healthy to plan, to help people lose weight surely and hold it away. The importance of the effective weight management and weight loss was into the the news in the last months after precaution, British government think tank, that estimated 60 percent by the men, women 50 percent of and 25 percent from the children is beleibt up to the 2050. The Slimplicity weight management system consists of two products. First is meal a re-installation shake, some great balance of the vitamine, which makes minerals and the protein available for optimal nutrition, but with few calories as a typical meal. Kw_second a chewable tablet is, die shake with that to support weight management works. “Slimplicity is management an efficient partner in weight,”, says presiding Board and Chief Relivs the scientific more Officer, Dr. Karl W. Hastings. “Slimplicity supplies die most advanced formula for weight management in a simple, two product to system with. If it is combined with our recommendations for an active life-style and more intelligent meal habits, Slimplicity gives you, a die unbelievable advantage This the last Kw_weightverlust program is, you to benoetigen at all.” The Slimplicity system breaks down weight loss into three simple steps: 1. Mix Slimplicitys pulverized formula with skimmed milk (1,5 percent) and replace you the lunch with this shake. 2. Use Slimplicity addition chewable tablets, to support weight management Take one of the tablet hour before everyone to help meal. 3. Take a more intelligent life-style with the practice and when eating of fresh, of of nourishing meals and of from lunches to Die Slimplicity pulverized formula include 10 gram protein whole soy bean oil of bean more powder, the people feeling fully form and satisfied. Soy bean oil assistance establish more lean muscle, which helps to burn the fat. Assistance of the Linolsaeure (CLA) conjugated components as body burn fat and building muscles. Greener dte excerpt, zinc and magnesium, everything found in the Slimplicity addition chewable tablets, work in the concert to support the Slimplicity weight management to system. Reliv offers a starter installation set, the marks it simply for the use Slimplicity weight management to system. Each starter installation set includes 1) four week a supplying material of the Slimplicity meal re-installation into the vanilla -, chocolate or strawberry flavours; 2) supplying material the monthly Slimplicity addition chewable tablets; 3) “Success plan” brochure, a die going plan, healthy meals a plan and weight loss tips includes; 4) a Slimplicity schuettel-Apparat cup; 5) a pedometer track daily to the steps; and 6) “no bridging he sheet” daily journal to hold to of of track the progress. “as you use Slimplicity, you want may discovery you more energy and to be more active” says Hastings. “and this exercise can help you to handle it weight. The final result is that this system can help you enjoy a much healthier life-style.” Over Reliv Reliv international, Inc., based into United States, is a developer, basic nutrition addressing manufacturers and marketer of an own line of nourishing additions, specific Wellnessnotwendigkeiten, weight management and sport nutrition. Reliv sells its products by an international Netzmarketingsystem of approximately 70,500 independent to distributors. Additional information about Reliv international, Inc. can be caught up on the net on www.reliv.com. SLIMPLICITY weight management SYSTEM FACT SHEET Slimplicity(r) is management an efficient partner in weight. It supplies die most advanced weight management components, die in a simple, two product to system with available is Die system Slimplicity meal re-installation vibrations and addition chewable die tablets * replaces you, which one day with shake meal is, which as you our for Slimplicity pulverized formula with skimmed milk (1,5 percent) is formed, combines. * Vibrations come into three flavours: Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Components include: * 10 gram of Sojaprotein whole soy bean oil of bean more powder, lean muscle of the building you burn fat thus helps Die of the fiber marks also, die you to feel full. * Conjugated assistance of the Linolsaeure (CLA), for reducing to body the fat. It helps also to maintain lean muscle which could help their body burn calories more efficiently. * Greener dte, which weight loss could increase. * Other components include Inulin, chrome, zinc and essential vitamine and minerals. Starter installation set * supplying material of one month Slimplicity of the pulverized formula for vibrations and Slimplicity supplement chewable tablets * Die “Success plan” die brochure, a die simple plan for activity along with healthy, spicy meal plans and the food elections daily increase mark * A pedometer to daily the going track * Kw_daily a journal to chart progress * A comfortable schuettel-Apparat cup for preparing of vibrations * Kw_magnet, so that the refrigerating chamber absorbs temptations CONTACT: Reliv international, Inc. Barry Murov, President, enterprise communications (636) VICE-SOURCE 733-1303: Reliv international, Inc.. copyright (C) 2008, HUGIN HOW. All rights reserve.
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