Die most Diaetetiker and beleibte that patients more allover, die world with single dieting course familiar is, based on: “sight - stomach - brain” connection and this is completed by filling stomach the container with extensive Kw_lowkalorie food like green salad, Nahrungrich in more water and/or fibers. The most managing and most successful example of such dieting course is volumetrics the meal plan renewed by Dr. Barbara of roll and this plan by most Diaetetikern the best is up to now held. I tried die this, die course with my patients above dieting are, until 2004 and I found that main the disadvantage of this method is that brain reach the Uebersâttigung is not accustomed in such a way only on large food volumes, if one, sand-yielded that, McDonalds, Pizza, Pommes Frites or even chocolate cake to eat it or she is want satiated believes excluded, after it ate the largest volume of any from that meals and to weight wheel driving leads This led me to develop, which created one second course on “sight - tongue - brain” connection. I renewed die this, die course 2005 dieting are and called her Luqaimat training technology “LTT” because a beleibtes person box lose for the first time in dieting the literature weight, not by eating certain food and others however forbidding, by frequently eat die training on micro meals (Luqaimat) (around 7mal per day). the Kw_According to my renewed Luqaimat diet there is also once daily lucky moderate-sorted nourish-varied meal. My scientific goal is to introduce a connection between the sichtbarmachung small of the Luqaimat of volume with its weight on that tongue and the resulting Uebersâttigungempfindung at the hypothalamus brains. Such connection to load, guessed/advised I mean patients chunky to Luqaimat like five nuts (more together), cheese cubes, to eat carrot cubes or dried plums, etc.; and to the leave chunky Luqaimat around 30 seconds on their tongue, to its weight for develop to believe such connection.
gain die satisfaction and die agreement brain of the reward center, recommend me I mean patient, die its favourite food as Luqaimat using are. I advised also my patients to take, who die liquids they necessity 10 before the Luqaimat puts on, that, over sufficient time to the liquids to the leave stomach to give thereby Luqaimat box on gastrischem Mucosa meal am act and therefore suppressed Ghrelin isolation. The Luqaimat diet furnished a outstanding success rate of 91% of the beleibten patients, die and lost 70% followed it - 102% of their extra weight within fewer months Since July 2007, I wrote more than 75 articles over my investigations over the “Luqaimat diet, which” is flat everything, are present on the InterNet. Beleibte patient die want too try mine diet flat box read several from my articles by looking for of Google for: Luqaimat diet, removing Second hand, American chronicle or Prof Elhashemy.
I am convinced the fact that Luqaimat diet die solution to the global obesity epidemic disease be can, and I plane all to continue supporting prepares beleibte people around it extra weight (more whatever it quantities too) by spreading the details to loose-will and die changes of the Luqaimat diet plan. They to know many of such updates of the “Luqaimat” to find diet, which is particularly published in several the new articles on the net on American chronicle, which may more cover each possible inquiring they over this most promising flat diet.
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